When creating an Microsoft365 integration with Symbol, the application allows you to Approve or Deny your users individually or by groups. You can also approve managers as part of your population.  

How It Works?

Once your Microsoft account has been already integrated, admins of the company will be notified via email if new users were found. If the email is not delivered, you could navigate to the company, click on the "Users" tab from the left sidebar and click on the tab "Pending for approval".

On the pending for approval page you will be able to see:

  • Users
  • Groups (If there are)
  • Managers (If there are)

You will be able to switch between groups and individual users by clicking on the dropdown placed at the right side of the page called: List by users or List by groups. 

If you approve a group of users, Symbol will automatically add those users to the list, and will add the name of the group as a category.

About Managers

Here there are a couple of things you need to know about Managers:

  • Managers will have certain visibility to completion of user tasks within Symbol based on their status as a manager of that user within your M365 active directory.
  • Managers will be treated as normal users, so they can be part of phishing campaign or cyber training. The difference is that they will be notified when users that they manage meet certain criteria, such as having a training course due in less than a week, or having an overdue training course.
  • Managers will have some permissions in the LMS that will allow them to see the training assignments of certain users (per M365 Manager-User relationship) and send reminders to them to complete trainings that are pending or overdue.
  • When a manager is identified in the M365 sync, and the administrator approves them, that manager will then receive an email invitation with instructions about how to sign in to the LMS in their new manager view.

This new implementation allows owners to organize their companies better by providing a simple way to synchronize groups and managers directly from M365.