Long Campaigns are visible for companies under plans: SymbolSecure and SymbolSecure Managed.

This type of campaign was designed to schedule Phishing Templates and Training Assets simultaneously during predefined period of times including: 3 month, 6 month, and 12 month increments. 

When creating a new campaign, our application schedules all emails in your campaign based on your current timezone that is set within the Company Settings. In order to change or modify this for your Company, you’ll need to navigate to the company settings page. 

How To Schedule a Long Campaign

As a first step, it's important to note that Long Campaigns use Curriculums instead of individual Phishing Templates or Training Assets. You can learn how curriculums work by clicking here.

By navigating to the "Campaigns" tab from the left sidebar in your app, you will be redirected to the list of your campaigns. Click on the "New Campaign" button and the app will immediately display a screen where you can select the type of campaign, you can select "Short Campaign" or "Long Campaign" (Remember: This could vary depending on the plan you have).

Once you clicked on the button to create a new Long Campaign you will be redirected to a form where you should fill the following information:


On this part of the form you'll need to fill the following fields:

  • Campaign Name. (This is a required field, but don't worry, this name is for internal use only).
  • Start Date: (here you can select a specific date in the future). 
  • Time Period: On this section you need configure the range of hours when emails will be sent. We recommend using a custom period that matches your business hours, i.e., from 8:00AM to 6:00PM.
  • Days: As well as choosing the range of hours, you also could define which days the emails would be sent. By enabling the option "Custom Days" you can manually select the days.
  • Training Assignment Day: From the list, you can select the day when your courses will be assigned each month. (If the day has already past on the first month then the courses for that first month will be assigned one day after the "starting date").

Remember: the duration of your campaign will be defined by the type of curriculum that you choose, there are Quarterly, Semi-Annual and Annual curriculums.

Target Users

Users could be targeted individually or by categories/groups. In order to schedule a campaign you must add at least 1 user.

If you don't have users in your list, please navigate to the "Users" tab from the left sidebar and start adding them. They can be added manually, by importing a CSV or by Syncing from M365.

Once your campaign is running, you will be able to add/remove users from the list as well. 

Add a Curriculum

In order to launch a Long Campaign, you can opt to use our public library of Curriculums or use a private one that you have already created. If you don't know how to create a new curriculum learn how to do it by clicking here.

When adding a Curriculum to your campaign you need to keep in mind the following things:

  • You can also add 1 curriculum per campaign.
  • List of curriculums could vary depending on the duration that you defined on the Schedule section.
  • Phishing Templates are randomly scheduled during each month based on the time and date ranges that you choose on the schedule section.
  • Training Assets will be assigned the 1st of each month. 
  • Private Curriculums can't be edited or deleted while they are being used in a campaign.
  • You can define a different due date for each Training asset.

Once you have scheduled your campaign you will be able to monitor it by clicking on the name of your campaign from the campaigns' list. On this screen you can see detailed information about the behavior of each of your users such as how many emails have been sent and how many of them have been clicked.

From the Campaigns list you can differentiate Short campaigns from Long campaigns by the "Calendar" icon added next to the name.

Long Campaigns are completed by their own when the last month has ended, but you also can complete them manually.

Note: Your campaigns could have up to 4 different statuses.  To learn about each of those statuses click here:  Campaign Statuses.