If you are unsure about what strategy choose for your next phishing campaign, this explanation will help you to choose the strategy that best fits your needs: 

Short campaigns could be created using 3 different sending strategies:

Send All Scheduled

By using this sending strategy, each user added on the campaign will receive 1 email of each template added, those emails will be randomized based on the time/days period chosen on the campaign. 

Some conditions to keep in mind when using this strategy:

  • This strategy is configured to send max 3 emails to the same users during a day. 
  • This strategy sends 1 email per each template added, for example if you add 50 users and 2 templates, then 100 emails will be scheduled.
  • If one user is phished (and/or potentially shared data) that user may receive a training assignment if you had configured the campaign to conditionally assign trainings for a click or shared data event.

Be consistent with the duration chosen on your campaign, if you select a short period like 1 day would be possible that some emails couldn't be scheduled.

Evenly Distributed - Scheduled

By using this sending strategy, all your population will be divided by the number of templates added on the campaign, it means that each block of users will receive a different email. 

For example:

If your campaign has 100 users and 4 templates, then it will be divided on blocks of 25 users:

  • Template A: 25 Users
  • Template B: 25 Users
  • Template C: 25 Users
  • Template D: 25 Users

Once the blocks have been generated, our app schedules the emails in a random hour/day based on the duration and settings of the campaign. 

Some conditions to keep in mind when using this strategy:

  • This strategy only sends 1 email of each template and the emails are scheduled randomly.
  • This strategy is configured to send max 3 emails to the same users during a day. 
  • If the block's distribution is uneven, it would be possible that one or more users receive 2 different emails.

Send All Immediately

This sending strategy doesn't schedule emails. When selecting this strategy, the "Schedule" part of the campaign creation gets disabled, and the app delivers all emails as soon as the campaign is created.  This strategy is often used to mirror emails that would naturally be delivered at the same time, like a web conference invitation or any company-wide notification.

This strategy only sends 1 email per each template added. 

Remember: all emails are scheduled based on the current company timezone.

Send All at a Specific Date/Time 

This sending strategy schedule your phishing emails to be sent at a specific date/time in the future. When selecting this strategy, part of the schedule elements like: time period or week days get disabled given the app will do single sent on the date/time specified by you.

After selecting this strategy the app will display a Date and time picker to define when you want to send the phishing emails. 

To Keep in mind:

  • Users will receive 1 email per each template added using this strategy. 
  • All of the emails will approximately be sent at the same time defined by you.
  • Ensure your company timezone is the one you want to use to send the emails.