Let's see step by step how to install Phish Alert Add-in on Outlook.

Access to Admin Center

First of all you need to have an admin account with Office365. In order to start configuring this add-in it is necessary to log into your account and access to the Admin Center. You can access Admin Center by clicking on "Admin" from the list of apps. (See screen below). 

Some styles on the screens can vary depending on the version of the Admin Center you have

Navigate to Integrated Apps

From the left sidebar click on Settings > Integrated Apps. It will display a list of the apps integrated, you will need to click on the button "Upload custom apps" to add a new one. 

Upload App

After clicking on the button "Upload custom apps" it will display a sidebar with some steps to follow. On the first step you need to upload the custom app by choosing the option: Upload manifest file (.xml) from device. After choosing this option, office will automatically validate the file and then if it's valid you can click on "Next".

You can download the Symbol manifest by going to your company settings and clicking on the button "Download Outlook Manifest".

Add Users

Once you have uploaded the Symbol Manifest file clicked on the "Next" button, it will redirect you to the second step which is to specify the group of users that this app will be available to. On this step you have the option to select three options 

  • Just you
  • Entire Organization
  • Specific users/groups.

Accept Permissions Requests

After selecting the group of users, you need to accept some permissions related to Outlook such as allowing the app to read the content of the mailbox and others. Once you agree with the terms click on the "next" button to continue.

Review and finish deployment

On this last step you just need to review and click on the button "Finish Deployment" to confirm the action of uploading the new app to your company. Once you click on this button the app will be uploaded and will be able to be used.