List of Training Assets

Symbol provides to companies a large library of Security Training assets. As an administrator of a company you could access to our library of courses by clicking on Library > Training Assets from the left sidebar of the app.

On this list of training assets, admins could see information like how many users have been assigned to each course, estimated duration and the ability to filter them by categories.

Also by clicking on the button "Assign" it will redirect to the "Course Assignment" screen where and admin can assign that course to a particular group of users.

By clicking on the name of each Training Asset, the app will display a detailed view where administrators are able preview the course they are up to assign, as well as seeing details like:

  • Course Description
  • Users taking the course.
  • Progress of each user taking that course.
  • Which users are overdue.
  • Activities of the course.
  • Keywords

Our Training Assets list is available for SymbolSecure and SymbolSecure Managed plans. If your company wants to use this amazing tool it is necessary to upgrade to one of those plans.

If you're a admin from an MSP company you will also be able to see and assign training at the MSP level by selecting companies instead of specific users.