In order to provide a better user experience for admins and users regarding training assignments, we have decided to improve our notification center, notifying more often both users and admins about pending and overdue assignments. 


Manual Reminders

Initially, admins were able to send reminders to users by going one by one. Now admins are able to send reminders to their users regarding pending or overdue assignments in bulk from the training assignments list. They just need to navigate to the training assignments list and click on the dropdown on the right side of the page that allows them to choose 2 options:

  • Remind users with overdue assignments
  • Remind users with assignments due in less than 1 week.

By choosing one of the options above, all users in those conditions will receive an email notification that will remind them about al their pending assignments.

(Note - These reminders are sent from the domain)

Automatic Reminders

Apart from adding the ability to send manual reminders, we also added some automatic reminders that will be sent weekly to individual users and admins who manage those companies.

Users will be notified each Monday at approximately 9:00AM EDT regarding:

  • Overdue assignments.
  • Pending assignments due in less than 1 week. 

Admins will be notified each Monday at approximately 9:00AM EDT regarding:

  • All users with overdue assignments.
  • All users with pending assignments due in less than 1 week.

All these training notifications could be configured by users and admins from their profiles.

If there are assignments due in more than a week the app will not send any email.