Generating reports about phishing or training statistics from the Symbol application is now much easier and with significantly more details than our prior reports would allow for. Additionally, it will take less time that what you think to produce these reports. Let's see how to do it:

The Symbol application allows all admins from single and MSP companies to generate Boardroom Reports by navigating to the "Reports" item from the left sidebar of the app. "Boardroom Report". When being on the Boardroom Report screen admins are able to generate a report using the following options:

For MSP Admins

  • Specific Company(s)
    Admins are able to select as many companies as they want from their list and generate a report including all the statistics corresponding to those companies during a specific month. 
  • Specific Month
    After selecting the companies Admins are also able to select a month from a predefined list and generate the report exclusive for that specific month. Please note: if no data or campaigns are found during the period selected, then the report cannot be generated.

For Single Companies

  • Specific Campaign(s)
    Admins are able to select up to 4 campaigns from their list and generate a report including all the statistics corresponding to those campaigns. 
  • Specific Month
    Admins are also able to select a month from a predefined list and generate the report exclusive for that specific month. Please note: if no data or campaigns are found during the period selected, then the report cannot be generated.

Once the admins have selected either a campaign/company on a specific month the report will be generated and displayed in a Text Editor where they are able to see and edit all the information related to the report before downloading it.  Pre-written information can be pasted directly into the editor if you have an opening paragraph or company-specific text you would like to add.

Report Content

The boardroom report is organized into two main parts.  The first part is for phishing statistics and the second part is for training statistics. This could vary if the company has a plan that contains training or does not contain training. 

The Phishing Statistics part contains information like:

  • Introduction Paragraph
  • Overall Phishing Stats from period
  • Specific Campaign Stats
  • Phishing Emails/Landing Pages screenshots

While the Training Statistics part contains:

  • Overall Training Stats
  • List of overdue, completed, and pending assignments broken down by user

At the end of the report there's a "Summary & Recommendations" section that is optional and admins will be able to modify as they want. It is designed to give admins an opportunity to summarize the events in their own words, and give suggestions to the readers.

How to Download the report

Once the content of the report has been generated and displayed in the text editor Symbol will allow admins to download it in 2 different formats: PDF and DOCX. The report can be easily downloaded by clicking on any of the 

"Export" buttons from the top-right side of the screen. 

Text Editor supports images, headings, paragraphs and other styles.

Note: For MSP companies with White Label settings enabled, the app will automatically add the MSP logo to the report.