Apart from assigning training courses to your users by navigating to a specific company, Symbol Security also allows MSP admins to assign training courses directly from the MSP Portal. The difference between a single company and the MSP portal is that admins should select companies instead of specific users, let's see how it works:

First of all, if you want to assign a training course, your MSP company needs to have training subscription, if you don't have it contact sales@symbolsecurity.com and we can help you. 

By navigating to the MSP portal and clicking on Training > Assets > Assign Courses or by clicking on this URL: https://app.symbolsecurity.com/admin/training/course-assign/ you will be redirected to the form to schedule a new assignment. 

Similar to how training assignments on single companies work, you will be presented with a form on this screen where you need to select the courses that you want to assign and define a due date for completion if you want. Then from the bottom part you need to select the companies that will receive this training (You can select a couple of them or all your companies). 

Once you have added all the required information click on "Assign Courses" and the training assets will be assigned to your companies in a period of 5 - 15min.