Admins with role "Owner" & "Member" can now manage phish alerts reported using the Phish Alert Button in Outlook or the alternative of forwarding emails to They would be able to do actions like changing categories, delete and export phis alerts.

Phish Alert Categories

The phish alerts now have a category that allows admins to identify and differentiate phish alerts using different tags like:

  • Malicious: Most severe designation for a suspect phish email.

  • Spam: Spam emails that could be suspect.

  • Simulation: A Symbol phishing email sent during a campaign.

  • System: Transactional emails like reset password, training assignments, reminders, etc…

  • Normal: An email that is not a Symbol phishing email or a suspected phish.

  • Uncategorized: Default category for non-categorized alerts.

Normal, Malicious and Spam categories can be changed every time, but Simulation and System cannot be updated by the admins given it is being automatically designated by the app.

The action of updating categories will affect the Users Cyber Risk and Corporate Cyber Risk. So it means that users' score will be impacted with negative and positive points with the following formula:

  • -2  For each Phish Button alert that Admin marks as 'Normal'.
  • For each Phish Button alert that Admin marks as 'Spam'.
  • +5  For each Phish Button alert that Admin marks as 'Malicious'.

Apart from changing the category to phish alerts, admins can also do the following actions:

  • Remove Phish Alerts Individually
  • Remove Phish Alerts In Bulk
  • Export Selected Alerts
  • Change Phish Alert Categories in Bulk
  • Export All Alerts

Phish alerts will be registered on the app with the "Uncategorized" tag as default, except the Simulation and System categories which are automatically identified by the app.

How to Change Phish Alert Categories

There are 2 ways to update Phish alert categories:

  1. Individually
    Admins can update the category of a phish alert by navigating to the phish alerts list and clicking on the "3 dots" icon next to each alert, then hovers the option "Change Category" and select the one you want to change. If you are on the details of a phish alert, you can also change the category from that view by following the same steps of changing the category from the list.

  2. In Bulk 
    Admins can update categories in bulk by navigating to the phish alert list and using the checkboxes next to each alert to select the ones that want to be updated, then choose the option "Change Category" inside the "Actions" dropdown at the right side of the screen.
Note: Keep in mind that phish alerts with the categories Simulation and Internal cannot be modified by admins. 

How to Remove Phish Alerts

Only admins with role Owner and Member can do the action of removing alerts from the app. They can do it individually by navigating to the phish alerts list and clicking from the "3 dots" icon the option "Delete". Or remove multiple alerts by using the checkboxes next to each alert and choosing the option "Delete" inside the Actions dropdown located at the right side of the screen.

How to Export Phish Alerts

Admins with role Member and Owner have the option to export both all and multiple phish alerts from the app by clicking on the button "Export" at the top-right side of the screen or by selecting multiple alerts using the checkboxes next to each alert and choosing the option "Export" inside the Actions dropdown located at the right side of the screen.

If you have any question about Phish Alerts let us know at and we can help you.