This release contains additions for MSP admins and single companies.

Symbol API Launch

We have released the first version of Symbol API. 

This API is a RESTful API which responds with JSON content type and uses a token based authentication. The API will be available for MSP Partners and will allow you to manage event subscriptions (Webhooks).

Here are some of the things that MSP partners can see/do with the API:
  • Authentication
  • Subscribe to Phishing Events
  • See List of companies
  • See Companies’ Information

MSP partners can find your token under "Company Settings" at the bottom of "Company Information."

Training Reminders in Bulk

Now, from the training assignments list, admins will be able to select which assignments/users they want to send reminders to.

To do this, navigate to the training assignments list and use the checkboxes next to each assignment. Select the assignment that you want to send reminders about. Then, from the right side dropdown "Actions" select the option "Send Reminder." 

This action can be done from the single companies and MSP portal.

Note: Users would be reminded about ALL their pending assignments not only the ones that were selected.