This release contains a bunch of  bug fixes in the app and LMS.

Bug Fixes

  • Bad user experience fixed on the Portals page when trying to enter to the LMS directly from the URL and app was redirecting the admin/user to the CAS portals page
  • Bug fixed on the MSP portal when MSP owners were able to edit campaigns that were created on the single company portal
  • Visual issue fixed when attempting to alter the due date of a long campaign
  • Bug fixed on the Users list which was displaying the "New Users Training" link but there were no new users on the list
  • Wrong calculation fixed on Corporate Risk Score.
  • Bug fixed on the LMS when the # of training assignments when being shown as "cards" was displaying a wrong value
  • Link changed on the Whitelist Symbol IP banner which was redirecting to Microsoft documentation instead of Symbol documentation
  • Bug fixed on Sign Up Page when the app was displaying to monthly plans with the same name
  • Bug fixed on MSP settings which was displaying a blank API token
  • Issue fixed on campaign details when the Users section was being showed empty