This release contains new additions to the app and bug fixes.

Displaying more information on Bounced Events 

From the phishing simulation events list the app will now display more information about the bounced events. With this implementation admins will be able to see a short description about the cause of the bounce.

This information is retrieved by SenGrid. We have also included this information when importing the CSV files.

Displaying more details on User Agent (Events List) 

This addition to the app allows admins to see more information about the sources of the phishing events or technically called "User Agents". This information will help admins to identify false positives like clicks generated by the systems and not a real person. 

Adding Bulk Action to Removal Queue. 

To help speed the removal of users off of our system. We have added the ability to remove/recover many users from the removal queue at the same time. 

Adding more user info on Training Assignments and Events lists.

Based on some requests from customers we have decided to include more details about the users on the training assignments and events list. 

Now by hovering the users' name from those lists the app will display a tooltip including the following information:
  • User Name
  • User Email
  • Title
  • Categories
This information will help Owners to identify users' departments/areas easily. We have also included this information when exporting the CSV files.

Displaying customers' logo on Users Profile

Users Profile will now display their Partner's logo (if available). So when navigating to the profile, LMS users will no longer see the Symbol Logo, instead it will display the logo that has been defined on the whitelabel settings of their partners.

Bug fixes and Improvements

  • Bug fixed when email headers were being send inside phishing emails' content. 
  • Hiding false positives when exporting events as CSV.
  • Fixing Training Schedule task when long campaign is created the same day than training assignments will be delivered.  
  • Error 500 fixed when recovering a previously deleted Azure user.
  • Bug fixed on the pending for approval list which was sending users to the removal queue after removing them from Azure.
  • Bug fixed when O365 Users were not being sent to the removal queue after being removed. 
  • Fixing Whitelabel settings on DarkWeb Alerts Views (LMS)
  • Hiding Training Assets "Type" from LMS.