Our v.3.11.0 includes additions to the Symbol API as well as improvements on the user experience of the Cyber Threat Surveillance feature. Let's all the details about this release:

Symbol API Updates

New endpoints have been included to the API, here's a list of them:

Get Cyber Threat Results

  • GET msp/companies/{company_id}/cyber-threats/results/

Change Result's categories

  • PUT msp/companies/{company_id}/cyber-threats/results/{result_id}/change-status/

Ignore Results

  • PUT msp/companies/{company_id}/cyber-threats/results/{result_id}/ignore/

Delete Results

  • DELETE msp/companies/{company_id}/cyber-threats/results/{result_id}/
Add Keywords
  • POST msp/companies/{company_id}/cyber-threats/keywords/
Delete Keywords
  • DELETE msp/companies/{company_id}/cyber-threats/keywords/{keyword}/

Get Users Leaderboard

  • GET /msp/companies/{company_id}/training/leaderboard

Cyber Threat Improvements

Adding Multiple Keywords 

The Cyber Threat Surveillance feature will now allow admins to add multiple keywords and VIP emails at the same time. However you need to keep in mind that the number of keywords/VIP emails will vary depending on your current plan. 

If you want to know more information about how to manage keywords visit: Managing Cyber Threat Keywords 

Cyber Threat First Call

Before this release the first scan of the Cyber Threat feature was only retrieving results about the last 24 hours, but from now the application will be searching for historical results on the first call so

every new customer using the Cyber Threat Surveillance feature as the first time will now see CyberThreat results about the past years.

Bug Fixes and Improvements

  • 404 fixed when trying to remove resolved cyber threat results.
  • Adding missing whitelabel appearance when setting and generating new passwords for users/admins.