This release contains updates for the Cyber Threat Surveillance feature, new additions to the Long Campaigns and improvements on the MSP and child companies' side. Here's a summary:

Auto Adding M365 Users into Long Campaigns.

Long Campaigns now have a new configuration to Auto-Add new Approved M365 users/managers into a running or scheduled campaign. 

In order to make it possible, first the company needs to have the M365 Synchronization active. Then when creating or editing a Long Campaign there will be a switch on the top-right side of the Target Users section called "Auto-Add Users".   Admins just need to enable this switch and save the changes to turn on the Auto Add feature.

Things to keep in mind:

  • The "Auto-Add" switch is disabled for all companies by default.
  • This feature works when approving new users manually into your roster, or  if your company is using the "M365 Auto-Approve" option for adding users. 
  • This feature is only available to companies with M365 synchronization active.
  • There's not an option to enable it for multiple campaigns at the same time. But if you're managing a large list of campaigns, send an email to our support team and we can help you.

Sorting Cyber Threat Results

Companies making use of the Cyber Threat Surveillance feature will now have the option to sort the list of results by different options like:

  • From Low to High Negativity
  • From High to Low Negativity
  • Most Recent Results first.

These sorting options could be also mixed with other filtering actions like date periods, keywords, and categories.

Supporting Auto-Generated Passwords

Before this release our app was limited to the use of some special characters when creating new passwords for an account and sometimes when the passwords were auto-generated from password security tools like 1Password, Keeper, Google, or any other tool, the app was not allowing users to use those passwords because disallowed special characters were included.

This release adds an update in our password validator in order to allow admins/users to set up more secure passwords for their accounts.

These are some things that can now be included when setting a new password:

  • At least one number.
  • Lowercase and uppercase letters.
  • No blank spaces.
  • Length between 10 and 50 characters.
  • Special characters like: $%@#^! (It could be optional)

Bug Fixes

  • Wrong calculation fixed on the Cyber Threat Surveillance section that counts results for current month.
  • 404 error fixed when previewing custom training assets from the MSP and Single companies. 
  • Bug fixed on the Cyber Threat Surveillance view when the app was not allow admins to save some keywords using the "IP Address" type.
  • UI issue fixed on the custom training assets view from the MSP portal.
  • Bug fixed on the logic of sending the first training to new users added on running Long Campaigns.
  • UI issue fixed on the list of curriculums from the MSP portal.
  • Bug fixed on the users list when users were updated via CSV and their categories were being shown as an UUID instead of the original name.