This release contains a couple of improvements for the app and email notifications.

Changes on Training Email Notifications

On this new version of the app, we're changing the way how training reminder emails are delivered to users. These emails that are automatically sent every Monday to users with pending assignments will now include redirect links instead of buttons, this change was done due to an issue with Outlook | Windows when buttons were hidden from the email and users were not able to click on them.

Changes on Training Provider Selection

We recently changed our training provider selection, so now when signing up as a new customer or trying to modify the training of your company/MSP you will be able to see these 2 options:

  • SymbolSecure CORE (It includes only Symbol Security's home grown training series that provides for user interaction and professionally narrated content covering a number of cybersecurity core topics).
  • SymbolSecure PRO (This option includes Symbol's own content, plus human actor training episodes from Living Security.

Bug Fixes

  • Bug fixed on the New Campaign form when creating long campaigns with training.
  • Bug fixed when inviting admins that are already registered as users on the company.