Campaigns are the broadcast mechanism within Symbol Security.  Campaigns can use multiple Phishing Email Templates and Training Assets to a user or a specific group of users during a period of time.  Campaigns can also leverage predefined Curriculums for the organization of Phishing Emails and Training Assets.

There are 2 types of campaigns: 

Short Campaigns

This type of campaign was designed to schedule less than two months worth of Phishing Templates to a specific group of users during a period of time.  If your goal is to schedule more than 2 months' worth of Phishing Templates and incorporate Training Assets, then the most appropriate option is to use a Long Campaign.

Short Campaigns support Smart Training. This is a feature that allows you to assign automatic training to your users based on their behavior during phishing campaigns. Learn more about Smart Training.

In order to create a Short Campaign you will need to:

  • Add a Name 
  • Choose a Duration
  • Choose a Sending Strategy
  • Target Users
  • Choose Simulated Phishing Email Templates 
  • Optional: Customize the available fields of the Phishing Email Templates
  • Optional: Add Smart Training Conditions

If you want to know more details about Short Campaigns Click Here.

Long Campaigns

Long Campaigns are visible for companies under plans:  SymbolSecure  and  SymbolSecure Managed.

This type of campaign was designed to schedule Phishing Templates and Training Assets simultaneously during predefined period of 3 months, 6 months, or 12 months. 

When creating Long Campaigns instead of adding individual phishing templates or training assets to the campaign, you should add Curriculums, they are pre-created packages that contains Phishing Templates and Training Assets categorized by month.

In order to create a Long Campaign you will need to:

  • Add a Name 
  • Choose a Duration (And Start Month)
  • Target Users
  • Choose a Curriculum (Public or Private).

Symbol provides Public Curriculums that could be used by any company, but you can also create your own curriculums that are personalized to your company's needs. Do you want to know how to create a curriculum? Click Here!

If you want to know more details about Long Campaigns, Click Here

Are you ready to create and launch a campaign? Let's Get Started!