This release includes new additions and improvements to the application as well as some bug fixes.

Symbol API (Updates)

Here’s a list of all the things that MSP admins will now be able to do:
  • Retrieving child company users
  • Access to Company settings
  • Update child company information
  • Create Child Companies
  • Add new users 
  • Delete users from child companies
  • Delete child companies
When deleting child companies via API, the MSP admins won't be able to see any information related to those companies anymore, however the application will keep the company on the system but anonymizing all the information.

For more information click here.

Managing Phish Alerts

There's a new addition on the admins' side that allow admins (Owners & Members) to take action regarding the phish alerts reported using the phish alert button.

One such ability is to change the category of the alert to be malicious, normal or spam. It will allow you to categorize those alerts.

list of all things that were included on this release:
  • Ability to mark phish alerts as Spam, Malicious or Normal
  • Ability to delete phish alerts from the app
  • Ability to export selected phish alerts to CSV
  • Bulk Actions for:
    • Deleting Phish Alerts
    • Updating Categories
    • Exporting Phish Alerts
For additional information visit this article

Long Campaigns (Updates)

When creating/editing long campaigns, admins will now be able to see an alert when the day selected to assign training courses has already passed on the first month.

So this alert will remind you that if the training day selected is greater than the start date, then the courses for the first month will be assigned as soon as the campaign is created.

We have also updated the wording on the Time/Days period specifying that those sections will apply only to phishing emails and not training assignment emails.

Other Improvements

We  have done the following enhancements to the application:
  • Hiding the 'Sales Partner' and 'Consulting' options from the partners sign up to avoid having 404 errors
  • Fixed Clickjacking vulnerability on CAS login page
  • Adding the ability to elongate pagination options to view many child companies from the Symbol Admin side
  • Adding the ability to elongate Partners list pagination from the Symbol Admin side

Bug Fixes

  • Visual Bug fixed in Campaign Set up when the hours were listed in disorder.